9 weeks pregnant | miscarriage | ultrasound | changes occurs during 9 weeks of pregnancy.

9 weeks pregnant | miscarriage | ultrasound | changes occurs during 9 weeks of pregnancy.

Things to be discussed.

  1. 9 weeks pregnant symptoms
  2. Ultrasound
  3. Changes are seen in 9 weeks pregnant mother
  4. Changes are seen in the fetus at 9 weeks of pregnancy
  5. Tips for you
  6. miscarriage

Symptoms are seen at 9 weeks of pregnancy.

  • The common symptoms were seen at 9 weeks of pregnancy
  • nausea or vomiting.
  • frequent urination.
  • tender or tingly breasts.
  • fatigue.
  • dizziness.
  • irritability or unexpected emotions.
  • heartburn or constipation.
  • food aversions or cravings.
  • Indigestion
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • A heightened sense of smell
  • A milky white pregnancy discharge from your vagina
  • Light spotting (see your doctor if you get bleeding in pregnancy)
  • Cramping, a bit like period pains
  • Darkened skin on your face or brown patches - this is known as chloasma faciei or the “mask of pregnancy”
  • Thicker and shinier hair
  • Bloating and the feeling of being bloated

Now is the time when the developing young one is regarded as fetus not  the embryo as the days pass by the fetus is growing in size and appears as a tadpole.

External features that can be noticed in the mother during the ninth week of pregnancy.

  • You will notice several changes in your body like,
  • The body appears healthier
  • Glow on face increases
  • You appear more pretty now than before pregnancy
  • Weight gain
  • You can probably feel your lower belly increase in size(baby bump) 
  • The changes which can be noticed at this time
  • Facial features continue to develop this week like,
  • Growth of the nose is started
  • Growth of eyelids Up
  • little toes are now visible
  • Internal organs growth is also started such as
  • Digestive system
  • Reproductive system (testes or ovaries are growing)
  • Arms and legs are getting longer
  • Teeth and taste buds are also beginning to take shape.
  • Why should we use ultrasound during pregnancy?
  • Using ultrasound we can get very important information like,
  • Confirmation of the pregnancy 
  • Development status of baby
  • Confirmation of the gestational age
  • Checking for multiple pregnancies
  • Congenital anomalies
  • Problems with the placenta
  • Monitoring fetal position
  • Fetal growth
  • Level of amniotic fluid

Other important uses of the sonogram.

Thanks to the latest technology we can see our baby inside the mother’s body. With the help of a sonogram we can make an in full print of the first photo of a baby and even 3D sonogram. The sonogram at the 9th week determines the thickness of the placenta and the general condition of the umbilical cord.
Using the Doppler we can hear the beating heart her baby. Determine the sex of a child in this period is unlikely, it is done a bit later - closer to the 12th week. But you can see on the screen your tiny miracle that is no longer the embryo but a fetus.

Changes are seen in 9 weeks pregnant mother

During this time period the levels of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg), have been doubling in your body every two or three days. When you're 9 weeks pregnant, the hormone is at its peak.  estrogen and progesterone is also at its peak point which helps to increase the blood supply to your womb, This could make you feel unwell, but it's also doing a great job keeping your baby firmly in place in the lining of your womb.
NOTE:- At this time sex of a baby can be determined by the help of ultrasound because his or her reproductive organs will start to develop this week.

Changes are seen in the fetus at 9 weeks of pregnancy

Now the size of the fetus is almost similar to the size of a cherry. At 9 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is actively growing. Until the end of the period, it increases by 500 times compared to its original size. the foetus, is now around 22mm long from head to bottom. The fetus movement starts now, but you won’t be able to really feel these movements until later on in your pregnancy. Your body is also going through metabolic changes due to the effect of hormones. These changes include a lower blood sugar level and lower blood pressure.


In several cases, it is seen that libido is increased in you, but keep in mind avoid sex till the birth of your lovely young one.

Exercise daily

But keep in mind the exercise should be mild, which will not put any strain on your body. Always avoid jumping or any heavy exercise which will put too much strain on your joints.
You can practice

  • Yoga
  • Swimming
  • Aerobics
Put on comfortable clothes and undergarments which should not be tight to provide relaxation to your body.
It is the time to change your lifestyle your stomach is probably still feeling queasy, and smaller meals are more easily digested. It is time to have some healthy food. Always keep some healthy snacks with you so that you can improve your health by providing all the essential nutrients to your body.
boiled egg with wholemeal soldiers
hummus with carrot sticks
pitta bread with grated cheese

Stay hydrated – drink a little amount of water regularly after every half an hour.
This is the time when you feel very dull or less energetic so you whenever you feel less energized, have some rest.

What is a miscarriage? Why it happens?

Miscarriage is the premature or not fully developed form of the fetus from the mother's body. Miscarriage can be observed in the first trimester of pregnancy as a result of an immune conflict between the mother's organism and the fetus. As a result, there is a disruption of the functions of the future placenta and the developing of antibodies to "foreign" cells of the body. In this case, the chorion is destroyed, and the fetal egg is expelled from the uterine cavity. The process is accompanied by bleeding of varying degrees - often it is profuse bleeding.

Symptoms of miscarriage?

With miscarriages in the first trimester occur pulling pains in the lower abdomen, reddish-brown spotting or bleeding appear, sometimes there is a desire for urination and defecation. And the fetus fully or partially comes out from the uterine cavity with clots of blood.

9 weeks pregnant | miscarriage | ultrasound | changes occurs during 9 weeks of pregnancy. 9 weeks pregnant | miscarriage | ultrasound | changes occurs during 9 weeks of pregnancy. Reviewed by OMNIT ARYAN MAURYA on Sunday, December 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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