Pregnancy due date calculator:- If you are facing a problem in
calculating the days of pregnancy use our pregnancy due date calculator to work
out your baby's due date or the time of delivery. To use this you must remember.
1. “What was the date of the first
day of your last period?”
2. women's cycles length (cycle
length may vary from women to women)
3. Gestational Age by last menstrual
period is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period.
4. The due date may be estimated by
adding 280 days ( 9 months and 7 days) to the first day of the last menstrual
period (LMP).
5. Gestational Age by ultrasound is
measured by ultrasound (US) on the Ultrasound Date.
6. Estimated due date by ultrasound
is the Estimated due date based on the Gestational Age by Ultrasound Date and
the Ultrasound Date.
The tool will calculate 40 weeks from the first day
of your last menstrual period, even though your baby is technically about two
weeks younger than that.
Usually, the pregnancy lasts between 37 weeks and 42
weeks. Pregnancy due date calculator uses this information to give you an
estimated date of delivery.
In cases where the date of conception is known precisely,
such as with, in vitro fertilization, the Estimated due date is
calculated by adding 266 days to the date of conception.
How accurate is the pregnancy due date calculator?
Well, every pregnant woman is excited about her baby and
wants to know her due date, and a due date that is calculated from her last
menstrual period.
The accuracy of the estimated
due date
derived by this method depends on accurate recall by the mother, assumes
regular 28-days cycles and that ovulation and conception occurs on day 14 of
the cycle. The use of the last menstrual period to establish the due date may
overestimate the duration of the pregnancy and can be subject to an error of
more than 2 weeks [5-7].
The result of the due date calculator often doesn't match
with the estimated time of her first ultrasound. Only about 4% of babies are
born on their due date. Pregnancy due date calculator does not show the
exact date of delivery but it can give you the roughly estimated date of
delivery. But even estimated accuracy also depends upon the pinpoint, exactly
what point of your ovulation cycle you were in at the time of fertilization,
but still it’s difficult to know what date exactly you’ll meet your little
But it will not show the exact and true data, it is just
an estimated data because due date is calculated based on the date of your last
What is an estimated due date (EDD)?
An estimated due date (EDD) is a “best guess” as to when
a baby might be born based on a due date calculator like this one.
However, only 4% of babies are born on their due date!
Whereas 80% of babies are born within the window of two weeks before and two
weeks after your due date calculator results.
My cycle isn’t 28 days. Will this due date calculator work for me?
How accurate is the pregnancy due date calculator?
What is an estimated due date (EDD)?
However, only 4% of babies are born on their due date! Whereas 80% of babies are born within the window of two weeks before and two weeks after your due date calculator results.
My cycle isn’t 28 days. Will this due date calculator work for me?
The answer to this question is yes.The facts behind our pregnancy calculator work as
- The average cycle length for the menstrual cycle is 28
- If your cycle length is shorter, your due date will be
- For every day your cycle is shorter, your due date moves
one day earlier
- Similarly, if your cycle is longer, your due date will be
later. For every day your cycle is longer, your due date moves
one day later.
What is “gestational age?”
Gestational age (GA) is the term used to describe how far
along with the pregnancy is and how long the baby has been gestating. (fetus growing
in the uterus).
Will my baby definitely be born on my due date?
This is one of the common questions asked by most of the
And the answer to this question is NO.
Unfortunately, no one can say for sure exactly when your
baby will arrive. In fact, only about 4% of babies are born on their due date!
But your baby will likely arrive in the few weeks either side of your estimated
due date. Knowing this can help you to be prepared for labor and birth, and to
have everything ready for your new baby.
The answer to this question is yes.The facts behind our pregnancy calculator work as follows:
- The average cycle length for the menstrual cycle is 28 days,
- If your cycle length is shorter, your due date will be earlier,
- For every day your cycle is shorter, your due date moves one day earlier
- Similarly, if your cycle is longer, your due date will be later. For every day your cycle is longer, your due date moves one day later.
What is “gestational age?”
Will my baby definitely be born on my due date?
To calculate the due date just click here.
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click here to get result. |
When did I
Conceive? (or) when exactly did I get pregnant?
Many women often ask this question when trying to
figure out the exact day their pregnancy began. Often, gestational age, or the
age of the baby, is calculated from the first day of the mother's last
menstrual period. However, in reality, the baby was not conceived until
ovulation and the fertilization of the egg, which usually happens at least 10
days after the first day of the mother's menstrual period.
After conception and fertilization, we can say a girl is
pregnant but after successful implantation at a proper place that is in the
wall of the uterus, pregnancy cannot be maintained.
What is implantation?
Implantation is the stage of pregnancy at which the
embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus. In humans, implantation of a
fertilized ovum is most likely to occur around nine days after ovulation;
however, this can range between six and 12 days. Pregnancy can not be
maintained without successful implantation & a sufficient rise in the level
of progesterone hormone because Progesterone causes the uterine lining or
endometrium to thicken to maintain pregnancy.
How can we calculate implantation?
v If a woman is having 28 days cycle she can
roughly calculate the implantation day
v ==>>If you know the date you ovulated,
add 9 days.
v >> Ovulation date + 9 days
=Implantation date.
v ==>>If you know the first day of your
last menstrual period (LMP), add 23* days.
v >>Date of last menstrual period + 23
days =Implantation date.
v ***23 days =
14 (average number of days between LMP and ovulation ) + 9 (average number of
days between ovulation and implantation)
v {NOTE}==>>
pregnancy month calculator | Pregnancy due date calculator.
Monday, October 14, 2019

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